Seven Tips for Working From Home

Seven Tips for Working Remotely

Some call it Lockdown 2.0 others call it the second lockdown but one thing is for sure and that is that more workplaces will go back to remote working, we have Seven tips for those staff who are working from home, and how to effectively manage your team remotely: –

  1. Don’t Forget About Data And GDPR

Out of sight may be out of mind but it is important to remember your legal obligations around data. It is also just as important to remind staff about data protection. This may include making sure that they they have headphones if they are taking phone calls in the presence of others. Making provisions for the disposal of confidential waste, this could include investing in a shredder and not leaving their computer or laptop open when they step away from their desk.

2. Set Up A Designated Workplace

It is important that staff try as much as possible to keep their workspace separate from their home space.

If they have space, a home office, spare bedroom, or some other dedicated area that offers privacy is the best option.

This way, work can be separated from home life more easily. It will help staff to focus on their work and not be distracted by the little jobs that always need doing around the home. It also means that they will be able to enjoy their down time without thinking about work.

3. Work Safely with Equipment

Employers are still responsible for the health and safety of employees and whilst you cannot pop round to their homes, you can talk to them about protecting their health.

One easy thing you can do is to ask your staff to complete a Display Screen Equipment (DSE) questionnaire. You can find this here and it is free to fill in.

Remote working also may mean that your staff are working around the kitchen table, on an ironing board or some other makeshift office space. This is not always good for posture and it is, therefore, important to remind staff to take regular breaks and stretch their muscles

4.Keep Connected

Remote working can get lonely and we all know that of a lot of people have suffered with their mental health over recent months.

It is, therefore,  important for employees to stay connected with each other as well as the boss.

Hold regular video meetings or phone calls to keep in touch with everyone. Ask staff what they are working on and encourage them to share what’s on their minds.

We know that video meetings are not a substitute for human contact but they are still very good. Most people communicate with more than just words – we use eye contact, facial expressions and other forms of body language to convey how we are feeling.

We have found that daily video meetings with the whole team each morning have been helpful in building and maintaining a working and personal relationship

5.Be Clear About Your Expectations

Everyone thrives on structure, including your staff. Employees will have core hours that they are expected to work. It is important to remind staff of this and that they are expected to stick to their core hours as much as possible.

Of course, this may not always be possible but staff should communicate with management if they are experiencing difficulties in this area.

Be clear and realistic about your expectations; this is not a chance for staff to make unreasonable mistakes, be rude to customers or to spend very little time working. If staff are struggling to work in their normal hours then consider moving their hours temporarily; you may get more output early in the morning or late in the evening.

Remember though that you may still need to look at capability or disciplinary procedures.

6.Get dressed

Encourage staff to get up and get dressed as if the day were a normal working day and they were commuting to their workplace.

Changing into work clothes can help staff to mentally prepare for the day and make the switch from home life to work mode, and will also help to distinguish between ‘homeworking’ and ‘home life’.

This will be a personal choice though, we all know someone who will work in smart jacket and pyjama bottoms.

7.Ask for Help and Support

Remember to ask for help and/or support when you need it. These times are tough for us all and we all need to support each other as much as possible

You should also encourage your staff to talk to you and ask for further support and guidance if needed.

Remember that you are all part of a team and should be supporting each other as much as possible, especially remotely.

We hope these tips are of use to you. If you have other tips that you find successful, please do share them with us.

We are hear to help with Employment Law and HR. If you have further questions or you are in need of some support you can contact us at

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