Moving Forwards

So, Christmas is over and we’re into the New Year already.

You may well be thinking that you need to move your business forward in 2018 but you have no idea how to do that.

This can be a tricky subject, and one that many businesses keep putting off simply because they don’t know what else to do. Muddling along as you’ve always done, however, is not good practice, especially if what you’ve been doing in the past hasn’t really worked properly.

Now is the time to start implementing new ways of working and making progress so that 2018 is as successful for you, and your staff and customers, than ever before.

Here at Orchard Employment Law, we have a few hints and tips on what to do to make your business more successful this year and into the coming years.

  • Keep up with your competitors

First up, you need to keep up to date with what your competitors are doing. Find out what they are offering to their customers and see if you can offer something similar to that. Obviously, you will want to make your products and/or services unique but by knowing what else is on offer to your customers means that you are ahead of the game.

  • Reach out to your clients

In keeping with the above, talk to your clients about their needs and requirements. You may very well be surprised at what they say. They might tell you that they need something that you’ve been considering and working on but haven’t launched yet as you felt that the market for it wasn’t right.

  • Don’t get comfortable

All businesses will do this at some point. They will start thinking that everything is going exactly as it should be and that there is nothing that needs to be done to improve and progress. Do not think like this. Getting comfortable will be your downfall. There are always things that can be done to improve and progress your business.

  • Take action

Don’t get comfy but take action instead. Stop procrastinating and get moving. Make those tough decisions. Sitting on your hands and burying your head in the sand will not solve any problems, so head them face on instead.

  • Talk with your staff

As well as talking with your clients, talk with your staff as well. Listen to their ideas and suggestions. See what they think is going right and what (and how) they think things can be improved. This will give them confidence and make them feel that they are valued. Which will lead to better motivation and more productivity.

  • Monitor progress

Here, we don’t just mean monitoring progress with sales etc, but encourage your staff to monitor their own progress and keep a track of their own successes. Have targets, not just for your staff but for yourself and the future of your business, and monitor how and what you and your staff are doing to reach those targets.

  • Have integrity and trustworthiness

You need to grow a reputation of trustworthiness. Your business will rely on many outside factors during its lifetime and by cooperating with others and proving that you are trustworthy will go a long way to being successful. Don’t promise what you can’t deliver, don’t ask for something from someone else that you wouldn’t be prepared to give yourself.

Above all else, show that you have integrity and that you can be trusted.

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